The magic paintbrush

Լրացուցիչ առաջադրանքներ տանը

Watch the story and put the sentences in order.իտիր տեսանյութը ևս մեկ անգամ և դասավորիր նախադասությունները ճիշտ հերթականությամբ:
7 She painted a key and a horse to escape.
6 The king sent Rose to prison because she didn’t want to help.
1 Rose loved drawing but she was very poor.
5 The king wanted Rose to paint a tree with money on it.
2 One day, an old woman gave Rose a magic paintbrush.
4 She painted lots of things to help the people in her village.
8 The king chased after Rose but she painted a hole and he fell in.
3 She painted a duck and it became real!

Change the verb into the correct form / Փակագծերում գրված բայերը փոխիր նախադասություններին համապատասխան:
1. I  love you.
2. This  weighs 20 kilograms.
3. Ron  seems serious.
4. We  like tomatoes.
5. The boy  wants to play.
6. You need to sleep.
7. They agree with me.
8. She hears something strange.
9. The box  contains food.
10. Emma  appears sad.
11. David  knows how to fix a car.
12. Daniel and Liz seem happy.
13. This smells bad.
14. I believe you.
15. We are number one!

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